Child and Youth Development Center “My Way” is an organization with over 20 different programs for children ages 5 to 18. Our programs include classes in art, music, dance, sports and much more. With a team of friendly, qualified and professional staff we aim to provide each child with the opportunity to explore different activities that can allow them to uncover their talents, hobbies and strengths, leading to a more fulfilling future.
“Every chess master was once a beginner.” Irving Chernev said this about chess, but it fits in just about any other area of interest. Everyone was a beginner at one time. You have to make mistakes, learn from mistakes, and practice to advance. Chernev was a national master-strength player and wrote 20 books on chess.
“Every chess master was once a beginner.” Irving Chernev said this about chess, but it fits in just about any other area of interest. Everyone was a beginner at one time. You have to make mistakes, learn from mistakes, and practice to advance. Chernev was a national master-strength player and wrote 20 books on chess.